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Live Document

When creating a new live document a pop-up modal appears which asks users to allocate one or more topics and whether the document should be published upon creation. This is identical as how the Upload PDFs or Upload Files feature works.

Once a document users have the ability to create content using the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface. The WYSIWYG provides the same features you can expect to have in modern rich text editors including real time collaboration and auto-save.

The editor allows users to add images, lists and links to the document along with common markup features such as bold, italic, underline and strikethrough. This information is stored in the document and can be used by the agent to provide responses to users leveraging for example images and links to provide more information.

Upload Files

When uploading a file a pop-up modal appears which asks users to allocate one or more topics. See the topics page for more details about topics.

By default, an uploaded PDF file's published status is set to Draft. If this published setting is turned off, the associated agents (connected by the topics) will not have knowledge of the PDF file.

The published status allows the associated agent which is assigned to that topic to consume that content.

The user can upload up to 10 files files at a time.

Below the list of the supported file types:

  • .docx
  • .ppt
  • .pptx
  • .csv
  • .xlsx
  • .xlsm
  • .md
  • .html
  • .txt

When uploading code , the following file types are supported:

  • .py
  • .java
  • .yaml
  • .yml
  • .sql
  • .sh
  • .php
  • .js
  • .ts
  • .tsx
  • .jsx
  • .csharp
  • .rb

Excel and CSV files allow the user to append additional meta description to the file. This information will be used by the AI agent to better understand the content of the file.

Upload PDFs

When uploading a PDF file a pop-up modal appears which asks users to allocate one or more topics. See the topics page for more details about topics.

By default, an uploaded PDF file's published status is set to Draft. If this published setting is turned off, the associated agents (connected by the topics) will not have knowledge of the PDF file.

The published status allows the associated agent which is assigned to that topic to consume that content.

The user can upload up to 10 PDF files at a time.


For all kind of new documents created and uploaded "Publish on upload" is set to true by default. In case you want to change this setting after the document is created, you can do so by editing status at the top right corner of the document.